Pioneer Camp – 2024
Spring has officially sprung in the New Forest! Our excited Year 4 left Chafyn on Wednesday morning with their rucksacks bursting at the seams with their kit, and they made their way to Tile Barns.
After settling in to their sleeping pods and tucking into a packed lunch, the children were tasked with orienteering around the site in their teams. Making water rockets completed their first afternoon activities and despite being soaked with water, all the children had so much fun!
To end the first evening and as it was still warm and sunny, there was a rounders match between the two Year 4 classes- it was a close call, but 4RW were crowned the winners.
The next morning, after a hearty cooked breakfast, the children started the day with archery – a firm favourite with everyone. Problem solving and rock climbing followed, before ending their first full day with Nightline – a fun exercise where all the children are blindfolded and they have to work as a team to walk together.  Everyone enjoyed roasting marshmallows around a wonderful campfire in the evening, before a very tired tired bunch of children headed to bed at the end of a busy, yet rewarding day.
Before heading back to Chafyn, our Year 4 started Friday with shelter building. The children worked really well in their teams and despite being tired, still managed to end the camp with the last job of crate building, which saw them being hoisted up on a rope, whilst climbing on a tower of crates – so brave!
Thank you to Mrs Wellman, Mrs White, Mr Bond and Mrs Harrison for all your hard work and for organising such a memorable few days away!