French Trip 2023
Last week,  28 students from Year 6 and Year 7 enjoyed a fantastic five days away in France.  The children, along with Mrs Godfrey, Mrs Rogers and Mr Richardson, departed Chafyn at 9am on Monday 13th March and headed to the Eurotunnel. They stayed at a lovely hotel, Le Moulin Aux Draps – an hour south of Calais on the Opal coast.

First stop – they  had an hour in a French supermarket where the pupils had to find the French words for certain products. This was a lot of fun and the children managed to buy a few treats too! After checking into their accommodation, there was an orientation around the farm as well as an exciting treasure hunt. 

The next day, after a delicious looking breakfast, they all headed to the market town of  Desvres. The pupils bought their picnic in French, and there was a competition for the best packed lunch!  After they had eaten their lunch, they then went off to Boulogne-sur-mer, where they did a town trail requiring the students to read, understand and speak French.  Afterwards, there was a lovely hour on the beach playing games. That evening, everyone settled down to watch a movie, Tintin.

Wednesday 15th March was History day! The coach took the pupils to Azincourt Medieval Centre where they visited the multi-media centre and did a chainmail workshop. Afterwards, they headed to the Vimy Ridge Memorial where they had a picnic and walked through trenches, went into tunnels and laid crosses on the memorial. A bus then took them to Arras cemetery where poppies were laid on different soldiers tombs. Supper then bed, it was a busy day!

The following day, it was a morning visit to a French school where they visited the pupil’s classrooms, had some French conversations and played some games in the playground. They also had lunch at the French school amongst their new friends.  After this, followed a visit to a French bakery and a chocolate factory, before heading back to the hotel. Snail and cheese eating and an evening disco were the highlights of the final night’s entertainment!

Friday 17th March was the last day of the trip and back on the Eurotunnel before arriving back in Salisbury for 4pm.

What a busy week!  A huge success – thank you to all the teachers who helped and made it happen – Merci!