Chafyn to 16

Welcome to our Senior section of Chafyn Grove School, which incorporates Years 9 – 11

Chafyn Grove School is excited to announce that we will be extending our provision from age 13 (Year 8) up to age 16 (Year 11).  This exciting development will give pupils the opportunity to continue on at Chafyn Grove School and enjoy an academically rigorous curriculum supported by a wide range of enrichment opportunities and exceptional pastoral care.  The first cohort will progress into Year 9 in September 2026; they will move through the school to be our first Year 11 students, taking their GCSE’s in the summer of 2028.

Over the coming years, Chafyn will further develop to ensure we are offering the best educational experiences for all of our pupils and to facilitate our expansion to GCSE:

  • Our spacious site and first class facilities already provide excellent age-appropriate spaces and will enable pupil progression and growth as they get older. Additional facilities and areas will also be developed over the years ahead.
  • In addition to developing a good range of GCSE subjects for pupils to choose to study, we will also be increasing the variety and number of learning opportunities and extra- curricular activities to complement our curriculum and expand all of our pupils’ minds and interests.
  • Our existing staff with senior school qualifications and experience will be joined by new teachers who will bring further GCSE knowledge and skill to Chafyn.

We encourage all families, who would like to find out more about our move to offer GCSEs, or who are interested in their child joining for our Senior School (now or in future years) to contact us to arrange a discussion with our Headmaster. 

Please email: or telephone: 01722 333423



Why is this happening?

This is a positive response to the imposition of VAT and improves our alignment in the local educational landscape.

Why not go all the way to 18?

It makes better commercial sense to focus on first-class provision up to 16, rather than compete with the established and fully-funded sixth form provision already in the area. All A level courses have entrance points after GCSE and Chafyn Grove pupils will have a full range of choice.

Is there enough room for everybody?

Yes. The implications of increased numbers have been carefully anticipated. (Chafyn had over 300 pupils when Norman Court folded). We shall keep the current model of two classes in each year group without increasing the maximum class-size. The senior children would have their own areas within the school, just as Pre-prep currently do. There is no squeeze on any year group or resource; we would make some more use of off-site sports facilities for a limited number of matches.

What will change?

We shall sustain the current ethos and practices. As well as GCSE, children will still be prepared for 11+ entrance to the Grammar schools and 13+ entrance and scholarships to senior schools, which dovetails well with GCSE preparation. Year 8 will still have the leadership development and opportunities they currently enjoy. The older pupils will have a leadership role to play as well, but they will be in their own section of the school just as Pre-prep currently are. Duke of Edinburgh would be a notable addition to the current provision.

Will there be an exam to get into Year 9?

All children within the school able to sit seven or more GCSEs will have the option to continue to Year 11 without needing to sit an assessment. External applicants to Years 7 and above would need to pass an entrance assessment. Scholarship assessments would be available to both internal and external candidates for Year 7 or 9.

Will there be building work?

There are two options: using the existing estate or building a new classroom block on the top netball court. In addition, there is a plan to relocate the Adventure playground and enhance the parking provision. There is no building work scheduled for 2025.

Will the boarding options extend beyond Year 8?

Ideally. However, this will benefit from canvassing which has not been possible before this announcement.

What options will be offered?

Rugby, hockey, netball and cricket will remain the core team sport options. GCSE preferences will be canvassed next term, but most children will sit 9 (some 7 or 8). These will include English (Lit. & Lang.) and Maths plus either Combined Science or at least two single sciences. There will be the option to do both French and Spanish as well as all other currently examined subjects.

contact us to find out more or to arrange a tour