Day Fees


Parents are charged at £25.52 in advance for planned attendance for either a morning session from 8.45am until 11.30am or an afternoon session from 12.30pm until 3.15pm per day.

The midday hour including lunch from 11.30am to 12.30pm is charged at £7.98 per day.

Early Years Grants

Children between the age of 3 (the term after their 3rd birthday) and 5 (the term in which their 5th birthday falls) are eligible to receive the Universal Early Years Entitlement grant of 15 hours per week. The School will claim this grant on the parents’ behalf and deduct it from the School fees. 

School Fees

All fees are charged per term and there are three terms per academic year.  From Year 3 lessons are taught every day of the week till 4.40pm; free wraparound care runs from 8.00am till 6.00pm.

Pre-Prep (Reception – Year 2) £3,745 per term
Transition (Year 3) £5,536 per term
Prep School (Day) (Years 4 – 8)  £7,263 per term
Full Boarding Supplement (UK) £2,530 per term
Boarding Supplement (Overseas) £3,201 per term

Flexible Boarding Charges

Casual boarding charges from September 2024 are below:

Flexible Boarding (including Weekends)
as available on an ad hoc basis
£47 per night

Pocket Money (full boarders only) £15.00 per term

Escorted Airport Travel Prices on application


Fees in Advance

The School has a fees in advance policy in place.  Please click on links below for further information:

Chafyn Grove Fees in Advance Policy May 2024

Fees in Advance FAQs


For actively serving members of the Armed Forces we provide a 10% discount for day pupils and casual boarders (non-CEA claimants). Full boarders’ discount varies from year to year and is calculated by reference to the rate of CEA and the minimum parental contribution of 10%.

Please contact the Bursar for more information on military discounts or to discuss CEA and boarding options.


Military discounts are applied on application, though those involving CEA funding will usually require confirmation before a place can be offered.


Discounts continue for as long as the child remains at Chafyn Grove School and the discount conditions apply.



Group Sessions (all year groups)       Free
Individual Lessons up to Year 3         Free

The Link Charges Year 3 to 8

Individual one to one lessons                                   £34.00 per 45 minute session
Individual one to two/three lessons                        £17.00 per 45 minute session
English as additional language one-to-one            £34.00 per 45 minute session



Nursery and Pre-Prep

Breakfast Club

Available on Monday to Friday from 7.30am – 8.00am.  Use of this facility should be pre-booked through the front office on the previous day and incurs a charge of £6.00, including breakfast.  No charge is made for children arriving from 8.00am and children should report to their normal classroom or nursery.

Late List

Parents who need children to stay later than the end of the school day at 3.30pm may use the Late List facility until 6.00pm. Charges for this service are:
3.30pm – 4.40pm – no charge
4.40pm – 5.30pm – £7.50 per session (includes drink/snack)
5.30pm – 6.00pm – £6.50 (includes cooked supper)

Prep School

Breakfast Club

Available on Monday to Friday from 7.30am – 8.00am. Use of this facility should be pre-booked through the front office on the previous day and incurs a charge of £7.00, including breakfast. No charge is made for children arriving from 8am who should go to their classroom on arrival.

Late List

The Prep school day ends at 4.40pm.  Prep is available for all children until 6.00pm without charge.

Extra Late Stay including Supper

Children may stay later than the above times by joining the boarding and sharing their routine, including supper, until 7.00pm. Use of this Extra Late Stay facility should be pre-booked with the front office on the previous day and incurs a charge of £7.50. Supervision after 7.00pm by the boarding house team can be provided in exceptional circumstances, if the School is notified in advance, and carries an additional charge of £6.50 per hour.


·       Per lesson per instrument – £25.00 per 30 minute lesson.

·       Use of School instrument £35 per term.

·       LAMDA Speech and Drama £25.00 per 30 minute lesson.

There is no charge for the use of School instruments, when available, during School holidays but if the instruments are removed from the School premises then parents must provide adequate insurance cover.

Half a term’s notice in writing to the Director of Music is required to discontinue music lessons.


Squash Coaching

·       Individual coaching (30 minutes) £20.00 per lesson.

·       Individual coaching (20 minutes) £13.40 per lesson.

·       Group coaching (2 – 3 pupils) £10.50 each per 30 minute lesson.

·       Group coaching (2 – 3 pupils) £7.00 each per 20 minute lesson.

Tennis Coaching

·      Individual coaching (30 minutes) £19.00 per lesson.

·      Group coaching in pairs £9.50 each per lesson.

Cricket Coaching

·       1:1 coaching – £21.00 per lesson.

·       1:2 coaching – £11.00 per lesson.


Registration fee £100 (non-refundable)

Acceptance Deposit to secure a place £500 (£4,350 for overseas pupils). Refundable against the last term’s fee.


The onus on insuring children’s belongings rests with parents who should therefore consider an extension to any existing household insurance policy.


£4.00 per child, per term.


Click here to view our Standard Terms and Conditions



At Chafyn Grove, we offer the ability to pay school fees on a monthly basis through ‘My School Fee Plan’. Please click on the following link to set this up.

My School Fee Plan


The Governors of Chafyn Grove School are committed to broadening access to the school by offering to eligible families means-tested financial support. Such a discount is known as a Bursary. To apply for a bursary, please mention that you would like information as part of your application. The bursary procedure is separate to the standard admissions procedure and in no way changes that process. All awards are subject to annual review and significant bursaries will involve an assessment from an external company, BAL Ltd. or further details on any aspect of this process, please contact our Head of Finance, Ginny Woodhouse (01722 420877 /

CGS Bursary Policy


While Chafyn Grove is justifiably proud of the scholarship success its pupils enjoy to Senior schools, we do not offer scholarships ourselves. The principal reason for this is to devote funds instead to means-tested bursaries, rather than talent-tested scholarships where financial support may not be needed. We have a record of developing such talents which is exemplary, and are confident that this is the correct recompense for such a situation.


The Childcare Voucher scheme has now been closed to new applicants and superceded by the Tax-Free Childcare scheme.  Chafyn Grove is a registered provider under the Tax-Free Childcare scheme and all information on this scheme can be accessed at

If you are an original user of the childcare voucher scheme, Chafyn Grove is registered with the following CCV providers :

Edenred (was Accor Services)

Computershare Voucher Services/Leapfrog0008059373


Imagine Co-op



SayCare Pass (was Sodexo)

RG Childcare

Further information on CCV’s can be found at

Please contact the Bursar (01722 321902 or if you would like more information.